Analisis Pelayanan PadaToko Mitra Foto Copy Center Singkawang

  • Lusiana Ima STIE Mulia Singkawang
Keywords: Service Analysis


This study aims to identify and analyze the services available at the Mitra Foto Copy Center Store in Singkawang, with a descriptive survey method. Data collection is done by observation and questionnaires. The number of samples is 100 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The results of the study stated that the services provided could be said to be good for employees of the Mitra Foto Copy Center store in Singkawang in providing service facilities, tools/equipment and neatness in employee dress. In terms of reliability, respondents stated that the employees of the MitraFoto Copy Center store in Singkawang were good at providing services to their customers. In terms of responsiveness, respondents stated that the employees of the MitraFoto Copy Center store in Singkawang were very responsive in providing services to their customers. In terms of guarantees, respondents stated that they were good at the Mitra Foto Copy Center store in Singkawang in ensuring the comfort and courtesy of employees and being able to foster trust and confidence in their customers. In terms of empathy, respondents stated that they were kind to the employees of the MitraFoto Copy Center store in Singkawang in paying attention to and understanding every customer's wishes.

How to Cite
Ima, L. (2021). Analisis Pelayanan PadaToko Mitra Foto Copy Center Singkawang. Hectocorn, 2(1), 18-32. Retrieved from