Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Terbuka Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

  • Julianto
  • Dr. M. Rustam STIE Mulia Singkawang
  • Tina Warsiningsih STIE Mulia Singkawang
  • Nova Wijaya STIE Mulia Singkawang
  • Rizqi Utami STIE Mulia Singkawang
Keywords: Employee Stock Option Plan


This study examines the impact of adopting the Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP), by comparing the company's performance between five years before and five years after the company adopted the Employee Stock Option Plan. The aim is to find out the differences in the company's financial performance before and after adopting the ESOP, so the hypothesis of this study is 1) there is no significant difference in Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, and Total Asset Turnover after the implementation of ESOP 2) there are differences significant on Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, and Total Asset Turnover after the implementation of ESOP. In this study, the authors use descriptive research methods, and paired sample t-test, namely by comparing the company's financial performance before and after the implementation of the Employee Stock Option Plan. Based on the test results, it shows that there is only a significant increase in the short-term Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, and Total Asset Turnover, but for Return on Equity there is no significant difference before and after the adoption of the Employee Stock Option Plan.

How to Cite
Julianto, Rustam, D. M., Warsiningsih, T., Wijaya, N., & Utami, R. (2024). Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Terbuka Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hectocorn, 4(2), 125 - 140. Retrieved from

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